Our Members

Thank you Members for Supporting BioNTX!


Your Support is Greatly Appreciated!

  • Industry Leader Members

    Organizations that affiliate with BioNTX at the highest level of support become our most esteemed partners and associates in the work of advancing the vitality and awareness of the most important industry in North Texas. Annual dues are $50,000+.

  • Sustaining Members

    Organizations that elect to become Sustaining Members make a clear commitment and investment in the growth of the industry in NTX by supporting business networking and education, life science business activities, legislative and regulatory efforts. Annual dues are $10,000+.

  • Corporate Members

    Organizations that chose to become Corporate Members demonstrate their interest in fostering the growth of the biopharmaceutical industry in North Texas along the entire spectrum of activities supported by the Foundation. Annual dues are $7,500+.

  • Core Members

    Any corporation, partnership, association, or other entity, with R&D activities that involve bio-pharmaceutical, medical devices, manufacturing, diagnostics, and digital health is eligible for Core Membership. Dues are based on the total number of employees.

  • Associate Members

    Any corporation, partnership, association, or other entity providing services or products of benefit to R&D companies is eligible for Associate Membership. Dues are based on the total number of employees.

  • Not for Profit Members

    Any non-profit institution not generally eligible for other Memberships, working in support of the industry, is eligible as an Not-for-Profit Member. Annual dues are $1,500.